Basement Makeover Journey: Part 1 – Living Room
Our basement makeover journey began with a major point of contention: carpeting. Its tendency to trap allergens, pet fur, and lingering odors has always been a concern for us. Initially, the basement appeared clean and fresh when we first arrived, but with the rise in humidity last summer, the remnants of the previous owners’ pets and smoking habits became unmistakably apparent

Last summer, we didn’t have the opportunity to remove the carpets, and we hadn’t planned on doing so anytime soon. However, since our main living area was in the basement, we found ourselves spending more time there. It provided a cozy retreat during winter, but with the onset of warmer weather, we decided it was time to take action. Removing the carpet was a challenge due to the glued underlay and firmly nailed tack strips. Beneath it, we discovered old parquet tiles resembling vinyl. Given their age and potential asbestos content, we took great care to minimize any disruption.

Once the floor was prepped, we delved into choosing a flooring type that suited both our preferences and budget. After comparing prices, the vinyl planks we had removed from upstairs emerged as the most cost-effective option. While it wasn’t our top choice, the fact that it came at no cost made it a practical decision. We turned to online resources like YouTube tutorials and informative reads to learn the ins and outs of installing them.
Starting from the east-facing wall, I found the installation process surprisingly smooth. Ensuring the planks’ uniform length avoided obvious patterns or tight seams. As of now, we’ve completed the living room, guest room, and bar areas, with the bathroom and laundry room—housing the boiler and water heater—remaining on our to-do list. Additionally, we’re planning to replace damaged baseboards to complete the look.

We’re incredibly satisfied with the transformation from the old, odorous carpet to the clean, allergen-free vinyl flooring, sparking enthusiasm for further improvements. This project demands a room-by-room approach but is progressing well. We’re eagerly anticipating not only completing the flooring but also revamping the walls with a fresh coat of paint, aiming to breathe new life into this once-dark space. In fact, we might have already begun some of the painting—we just couldn’t contain our excitement! If that paint looks familiar, Swimming SW6764, that is because we also used it upstairs in our living room, kitchen, dining room, and hallway.
Thank you for joining us on our Basement Makeover Journey. Stay tuned for more updates and the final transformation in the upcoming posts!